MSi introduced two new gaming laptops in their G series. Both of the devices GE620 and GR620 are 15.6-inch devices with powerful second generation intel core i7 processors. They are coming with same specifications except in the case of graphic card. GE620 is powered by DirectX 11 compliant NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M (1GB) graphics card while GR620 by Intel UMA graphics.
The specifications of the device includes a 15.6-inch LED backlit display with 1366×768 resolution, upto 640GB hard drive, DDR3 memory,Blu-ray drive, DVD burner, Wi-Fi, card reader, HDMI, HD webcams, VGA, Bluetooth, 2 x USB 3.0, 6-cell battery etc.
No words on availablility and pricing.
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